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184 Main Collins Street West Victoria 807

Guadalcanal Solomon Islands Travel Agency

New Nauru Airlines

New Nauru Airlines Schedule

New Nauru Airlines schedule with effect as of the 30th of September 2019.

Nauru Airlines has announced today a number of changes to it’s current servicing of Nauru and surrounding islands that will come into effect  on the 30th of September 2019.

Notably amongst these are the cessation of flights to Pohnpei and Honiara. These destinations have been withdrawn due to very low passenger numbers flying to these destinations. Ceasing the Honiara stops will re-create quicker and direct services between Nauru and Brisbane.

The twice-weekly flights connecting the Northern Pacific and Nauru to Fiji will continue with the added benefit of moving to better day, time and hours of travel with a spread across the week that will offer customers convenient options. There will also be additional flights added from Nauru to Majuro, giving added travel options for Nauruans to travel to and from this destination that has been growing in popularity.

The Central Pacific connections to Brisbane will continue with three services conveniently spaced across the week, with superior arrival and departure times, providing passengers with connections and options.

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